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Hello and welcome!

Thank you for being interested in my online coaching, it really means a lot to me.

Well, let’s get it started!


This is the coaching form which the whole process kickstarts from.

The questionnaire is quite extensive, so please take your time with it.

It is not a quick one.



This questionnaire will help me to get familiar with you and your current training situation better, before we officially start.

The information that you give can help me to find the best methods for you,

so the progress happens faster.

The coaching form will be automatically sent to me (Saibov) after you complete it by clicking "Send it to Saibov" button.

The response time takes around 1-2 working days. The response is given via WhatsApp mobile app.


The next step after my response is to set the day and time for the video call or live text chat. This is a necessary event to start the coaching process properly. You will most probably have some questions to ask before we start. I will have some organizational information about the coaching process to give you and a few questions to ask you after analyzing the coaching form.


The payment is done after the video call or live chat.

for payment and communication purposes




Nowadays, as a child or teenager. Football, bodybuilding, hiking, basketball in high school etc.

How many years/months have you been working out for, what you can do, what exercises you are familiar with etc. 

Have you ever been coached in person before?
Have you ever been coached online before?

I need a list of equipment where you usually workout. Whether it’s a gym, home gym or the park where you go to have a workout. Anything that you think could be useful if someone creates a program for you (given that I have no idea what kind of training equipment you have at the gym or at home etc).
You can attach the files with photos of the gym/park.

Upload files


Do you eat healthy? Do you follow a specific diet?
Do you have any idea about how many calories do you consume daily?
Feel free to elaborate on this topic as much as you can.

Does not have to be a physical feature. It can be consistency, for example, or ability to learn quickly. Feel free to tell me about your opinion about your stronger physical (for example a stronger pushing strength in comparison to the pulling strength) side and also mental (like determination and ambitions).

Does not have to be a physical feature. It can be laziness, for example, or procrastination. Feel free to tell me about your opinion about your weaker physical (for example a weaker pushing strength in comparison to the pulling strength) side and also mental.

How many days a week do you usually workout?
How long your training sessions usually are?

Competition, becoming a coach, just being functional and healthy or progress for yourself etc.
Anything that you can tell if I ask you - "Why do you workout?".

Learning Calisthenics skills, improving physique, increasing reps, becoming a champion or anything that you have in your mind with regards to the fitness goals of yours!

Rate the goals in the priority order. Example:
1st: Learn how to do a muscle up
2nd: Learn how to do a handstand
3rd: Increase reps in pull ups, dips and push ups
4th: Improve mobility
5th: Learn how to do a the pistol squat
6th: Improve cardio

How healthy do you consider yourself?

I would like you to tell me how have you been training until today?
What usualy happens in your workouts from Monday to Sunday?
Tell me about what have you been working on in your trainings lately.
You can also attach a file or photo with the program.
I need to know the "what, why, when and how" about your trainings until today.

Upload files




Fill out the fields which are related to your goals
and also the fields what you know the information for.
For example, your strength in dips (1RM) can be related to
your handstand or planche progress.

The level can be given in approximation. 

Maximum amount of pull up reps without leaving the bar
Maximum amount of dip reps without leaving the bar
Maximum amount of muscle up reps without leaving the bar
Maximum amount of push up reps without stopping in plank position

One-repetition maximum (one-rep max or 1RM) in weight training is the maximum amount of weight that a person can possibly lift for one repetition.
1RM Muscle up
1RM Pull up
1RM Dip 
1RM Squat

Your maximum amount of reps with a specific weight. For example, Muscle up for 5 reps with 10kg, dips for 10 reps with 40kg. Anything that you know about your maxium amount of reps with any weight that you possibly maxed out with in the following exercises:
Muscle up
Pull up

Strict overhead press
Barbell row
Weighted push up
Pistol squat

Cable row
Bench press

Leg press

Feel free to add the known information about the exercises which were not included above.

I need to know the most advanced progression that you can hold for at least 3 seconds without the band. For example: "I can hold straddle front lever for 3 seconds. I have never trained planche properly but I can hold planche lean for a few seconds". We are talking (but not limited to) about such skills as:
Front lever

Back lever
Human flag

Feel free to add the known information about the exercises which were not included above.

I need to know the most advanced progression that you can do. For example: "I can do the muscle up with a 10kg. I can do a few pike push ups but struggling to improve." We are talking (but not limited to) about such skills as:
Muscle up
One arm pull up
Handstand push up
Front lever pull up
Planche push up

Feel free to add the known information about the exercises which were not included above.

Estimated duration of the coaching period:
Preferred first contact method:

If you want to add something about your current level or share something that you believe could help me to understand your level better and attach more videos or photos from your trainings - feel free to upload the content on WeTransfer, GoogleDrive, DropBox or any other choice of yours and share the link with me here.

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